Sunday, 26 September 2010

Night Science IV - Zine (mini) review

Cipher Productions is based in Australia and they have come up with something truly special for their 4th issue of noise zine Night Science.

150 odd pages of reviews and interviews, with some small and informative advertising that never imposes itself on the pages. Interviews include the awesome Hum of the Druid's protagonit Eric Stonefelt, who weaves textured noise and drone, creating pieces of neverending intrigue, combined with visual art that goes beyond mere complementary status and actually fuses with the sonic output in some sort of visionary symbiosis.
Other interviews with Golden Serenades - guitar smashing noisy motherfudgers (see video below)...

Kazumoto Endo, Raionbashi and The Haters - plus much more. There are endless pages of well-organised and intelligently scribed reviews that will have you pestering Pete over at Second Layer for a copy.

If all this shizz is not enough for you then it also comes with a beautifully pressed 8 track CD with tracks from the featured artists. The two Hum of the Druid pieces are worth the £13.99 price alone. Suffice it to say this is absolutely obligatory for anyone with a remote interest in the world of noise.

Analogue delight

I have to recommend everyone a fabulous little cassette releasing label called Sunyata Recordings.
Not only are the releases of extremely high quality - notably the immediately sold out Life in the Dark - The Sunya is Rising (CDR)* but Zem, who runs the label is an extremely congenial fellow and a pleasure to deal with. The vinyl revolution was predictable, but the cassette comeback less so. Nevertheless, small boutique labels releasing high quality, limited recordings in analogue format have found a niche and with a little quality control provided by the likes of myself (ahem), you can get yourself some little gems. Enjoy.

* not to worry - you can hear a 20-odd minute track here

Friday, 24 September 2010


Having been ill for a substantial period I finally succombed to a period of time of work and unfortunately this site has been rather neglected (well, totally left for dead more like!). I was initially rather naive about how much time I might have to post here and with wishing to up the pace on work on issue 3 as well as concentrating on getting well, working on the record store's website and all of life's more mundane requirements I'm reducing my expectations of this blog.

Hopefully this will have the effect of inspiring me to post more regularly with rather more conversational entries and rather less reviews. Let's see.

Anyway - I hope I haven't lost all the readers out there and hopefully you'll find something here that will make your visit worthwhile.

This time, I can guarantee you that my recommendation of Christian Mistress will inspire you. They will be interviewed in issue 3 and I leave you with this amazing song...